custom/plugins/ThemeOkeonline/src/Resources/views/storefront/base.html.twig line 1

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  1. {% sw_extends '@parent/storefront/base.html.twig' %}
  2. {% block base_head %}
  3.     {% sw_include '@parent/storefront/layout/meta.html.twig' %}
  4. {% endblock %}
  5. {% block base_breadcrumb %}
  6.     <div class="oo-breadcrumb-container">
  7.         {{ parent() }}
  8.     </div>
  9. {% endblock %}
  10. {% block base_body %}
  11.     {# Adding metadata for okeonline-postcode-be-fix #}
  12.     <select class="d-none" id="CountryMeta">
  13.         {% for country in page.countries %}
  14.             <option value="{{ }}"
  15.                     data-iso="{{ country.iso }}"
  16.                     data-vat-id-required="{{ country.vatIdRequired }}">
  17.                 {{ }}
  18.             </option>
  19.         {% endfor %}
  20.     </select>
  21.     {% set checkoutVersion = (activeRoute == '') ? theme_config('cartStylesLayoutVersion') : theme_config('checkoutStylesLayoutVersion') %}
  22.     <body class="{% block base_body_classes %}is-ctl-{{ controllerName|lower }} checkout-{{ checkoutVersion }} is-act-{{ controllerAction|lower }}{% endblock %} productfilter-{{ theme_config('productListingStylesProductFilterVersion') }} buybox-{{ theme_config('productDetailBuyboxVersion') }}  product-detail-{{ theme_config('productDetailStylesGeneralVersion') }} {{ theme_config('productDetailBuyboxCustomProductsVersion') }}  {{ theme_config('customCustomBodyClass') }}">
  23.     {% if( "oo.header.general-top-message" | trans | length > 5) %}
  24.         <div style="color:black;background-color:#f7cd03;text-align:center;">{{ "oo.header.general-top-message" | trans }}</div>
  25.     {% endif %}
  26.     {% block base_body_inner %}
  27.         {% block base_noscript %}
  28.             {{ parent() }}
  29.         {% endblock %}
  30.         {% block base_header %}
  31.             <header class="header-main {{ theme_config('headerStylesLayoutVersion') }} {{ theme_config('headerFlyoutStylesLayoutVersion') }}">
  32.                 {% block base_header_inner %}
  33.                     {% sw_include '@parent/storefront/layout/header/header.html.twig' %}
  34.                 {% endblock %}
  35.             </header>
  36.         {% endblock %}
  37.         {# NOTE: navigation moved to header.html because it will be part of the different header versions (KE) #}
  38.         {% block base_navigation %}
  39.         {% endblock %}
  40.         {% block base_offcanvas_navigation %}
  41.             {% if page.header.navigation %}
  42.                 <div class="d-none js-navigation-offcanvas-initial-content">
  43.                     {% block base_offcanvas_navigation_inner %}
  44.                         {% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/layout/navigation/offcanvas/navigation.html.twig' with { navigation: page.header.navigation } %}
  45.                     {% endblock %}
  46.                 </div>
  47.             {% endif %}
  48.         {% endblock %}
  49.         {% block base_main %}
  50.             {{ parent() }}
  51.         {% endblock %}
  52.         {% block base_footer %}
  53.             <footer class="footer-main {{ theme_config('footerStylesLayoutVersion') }}">
  54.                 {% sw_include '@parent/storefront/layout/footer/footer.html.twig' %}
  55.             </footer>
  56.         {% endblock %}
  57.         {% block base_fixed_whatsapp_button %}
  58.         {% endblock %}
  59.     {% endblock %}
  60.     {% block base_scroll_up %}
  61.         {{ parent() }}
  62.     {% endblock %}
  63.     {% block base_cookie_permission %}
  64.         {{ parent() }}
  65.     {% endblock %}
  66.     {% block base_pseudo_modal %}
  67.         {{ parent() }}
  68.     {% endblock %}
  69.     {% block base_body_script %}
  70.         <script src="" crossorigin="anonymous" defer></script>
  71.         <script src="{{ asset('bundles/themeokeonline/js/lazysizes.min.js', 'asset') }}" async></script>
  72.         {# <script src="/themeokeonline/js/lazysizes.min.js"  async=""></script> #}
  73.         <div data-oo-slick-carousel="true" data-oo-customizedproducts-autoselect="true">
  74.             {{ parent() }}
  75.         </div>
  76.     {% endblock %}
  77.     </body>
  78. {% endblock %}